Saturday, June 23, 2018

Amanda's Story: Synopsis

Amanda has everything she could want. She has both of her parents, she got accepted into Columbia University, and has the three best friends who she thinks would do anything for her. She is also a normal teenager who loves to party, smoke, and drink. Amanda keeps a secret, she's scared to tell anyone she knows so she will tell you her story.

DISCLAIMER: Everything Amanda will tell you is fake and made up, this story does not reflect me or anyone I know. The story is made up and complete fiction.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Sims 2 Challenge: Mommy Challenge

So I am playing a new challenge, I found the idea online and I came up with my own rules to accommodate my own sims family. The rules are

  1.  You must create at least one sim (1 or more)
  2. You are allowed to get married, but the husband isn't allowed to help take care of the children.
  3. You can cheat on your husband and have out of marrige children
  4. If you get married you can't get a divorce, even if you are caught cheating
  5. You can have as many children as you want
  6. Your husband can get a job, but the mom may not
  7. The teens may get a part time job
  8. All the kids must have A's by the end of their school year (If in elementry buy the time they get to high school they have to have an A, and as is for high schoolers)
  9. They must do their homework every night
  10. You can't let any of your children die or get taken away
  11. As soon as a teen turns into an adult they can leave the house
The challenge ends as soon as the mom dies. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Upload Schedule

 I finally decided what my upload schedule is going to be and here it is. It is all on the weekend because that's the time I have time to record.


Friday- Town of Salem or Random GameSaturday- University Let's PlaySunday- The Sims 4 Let's Play

As of now that's all I have as in series I will update as a add more series but for now that's all the series I have. If you want for Friday you can recommend games for me to play. I recommend telling me free games because I have no money right now to play games. If you look at my channel and see that I have a Sims 3 LP that series is cancelled. 


Monday, December 15, 2014

Writing the Stories of my Sims

How would you feel if a typed up the story of Sims I created and post them on YouTube? Like i just made a new series called "From University to Homeless" and I made the characters and then wrote the synopsis and some background information about them. Would your read the story or just watch the video? Would it be like making a movie where there is a book to some of the movies?

My idea is to make each part into chapters and write about that part of the video. The story/book would be written on my Wattpad for everyone to read. So far there is one part but it's just he synopsis of the book and I'm going to write their back story soon like an prologue because there is a reason why they become homeless after going to college.

I kind of thought about making a University Lp and a Homeless/Rag to Riches Challenge but I couldn't choose between them and decided to use both and then I decide to write the story since I also like writing. Tell me what you think please? Also share your idea with me about what I should do.

The characters are twins and their names are Taylor and Troy Becker. They were in Foster care for their whole life and they turned 18 and can choose to go to college and they only have a limited amount of money.

This is the video of when I create them and of how they look like and characteristics.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Teenage Blogger Central

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Happy Birthday Teenage Blog Central!!!

  1.  What made you decide to take up blogging and what inspires you to write till today? 
    I was bored one day and had nothing to do and decided to play Sims 3 and screenshot what I did and wrote about it to let others see what I do in my gameplay.
  2.  How did you find and register on TBC? Did you find it helpful and worth recommending to others? 
    I was looking on the internet for communities for teens that I could join and found this one and it had amazing blogs. Yeah it was totally helpful and I would recommend it to others.
  3.  What awesome blogs have you found through TBC? Link them up! 
    I have found Through the Looking Glass, 
  4.  What do you like best about when you connect with other bloggers your age?   
    I like how I could make new friends that live in different parts of the world.
  5. What do you hope to achieve through your blog?   
    I hope I could get tons of new friends and virtually meet different people that are like me.
  6. How do you say “Happy Birthday Teenage Blogger Central” in your language? 
    I guess I'll do it in spanish since I speak that and it its in english, Feliz Cumplea
    ños Teenage Blogger Central. I don't know how to say teenage blogger central in spanish sorry. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sims 3 Let's Play

So I will be posting my videos on here too and here is the playlist of all 7 videos. it doesn't have part 7 because I didn't know what happened to that video after I recorded it. All that did happen that was important was that Jessie had her bachelorette,


Sunday, September 28, 2014


I came back from vacation a long time ago but I didn't have time to post on here.

So I decided to restart everything and not do the LPs that I was doing on here. Here I'm going to do updates and post my videos here too. I just started with a simple Sims 3 Let's play since I don't have Sims 4 yet, and yes I am planning on getting it. All the Lp's I do from now on are going to be on Youtube. On this site you can recommend me different things I can do with Sims 3. I also did change my computer that I was the LPs with before, so they come out better now and the graphics on this PC is better too. I'll be doing a page for the Specs on this computer once I find them, since it was my mom's PC.

My youtube page is I'm not erasing the LP's on here but I'm not doing them anymore. If there is one you want me to continue just let me know, in the comments below.


Monday, July 21, 2014

GLP- Prom and Boyfriends

Tris and Jessica went to prom. Emmi played piano for kids at the hospital and much more.

So Emmi had a opportunity to play piano for kids at the hospital.  Lucy had to get out of the house so she went to a neighbors house and talked to a celebrity and thanks to her mom she was able to impress her. She talked to Zelda Mea.

So the family forgot to pay the bills because they always do so they had some objects repossessed and I hate that guy. When I first starting playing I called the cops on him because I thought he was a robber and came to steal my stuff. 

Tris and Jessica went to prom. Tris wore a pink and white dress with flowers with some hot pink shoes. While Jessica wore a hi-lo dress that was like an aqua color with aqua color high heels. I really like Jessicas more I over the color of that dress. 
Tris got a boyfriend at prom and Jessica got the crown for prom queen. 

Joshua had a birthday party. He turned into a child and started school. He is also got the rebellious trait. I love his little overalls. 
Elsa has learned to walk and talk, just have to potty train her. She learned with the playpen and walker. 
That is everything that has happened so far.


Do you want me to do a Sims 3 University Let's Play with Lucy and Emmi or should I create new characters?